Famous William Shakespeare quotes

Famous William Shakespeare Quotes

William Shakespeare (1564-1616) was an English playwright, poet, and actor. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest writers in the English language and world literature. In this post, we share famous William Shakespeare quotes for your daily dose of inspiration.

Early Life

Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England. His exact birthdate is not known but is traditionally celebrated on April 23, 1564.

His father, John Shakespeare, was a prosperous glove-maker and tradesman, while his mother, Mary Arden, came from a wealthy landowning family. William likely attended the local grammar school, where he would have received a classical education focused on Latin literature and language.

At the age of 18, Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway, eight years his senior. They had three children: Susanna and twins Hamnet and Judith. Little is known about Shakespeare’s life between his marriage and the emergence of his theatrical career in London, which began around 1592.

Shakespeare’s Plays

Shakespeare’s early plays were performed by the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. This was a company of actors that later became the King’s Men, sponsored by King James I.

His work quickly gained popularity in London’s vibrant theater scene. And he became both a successful playwright and actor. The Globe Theatre, where many of his plays were performed, attracted diverse audiences ranging from nobility to the common folk.

The reconstructed Globe Theatre on the south bank of the River Thames in London.
Source: Wikipedia

Shakespeare’s plays cover a wide range of themes, from love and politics to tragedy and comedy. His works are typically divided into three genres: tragedies, comedies, and histories. Some of his most renowned plays include “Hamlet,” “Othello,” “King Lear,” “Macbeth,” “Romeo and Juliet,” “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” and “Twelfth Night.”

“Hamlet” is often considered one of Shakespeare’s masterpieces. This play explores themes of revenge, existentialism, and the complexity of human nature.

“Romeo and Juliet” is an iconic love story. And “Macbeth” delves into the consequences of unchecked ambition. The diversity and depth of Shakespeare’s characters and plots have contributed to the enduring appeal of his works.

Impact on the English Language

In addition to his plays, Shakespeare was a prolific poet. His collection of 154 sonnets, published in 1609, explores themes of love, beauty, time, and mortality. The sonnets are considered one of the greatest achievements in English literature. They have influenced poets for centuries.

Shakespeare’s impact on the English language is immeasurable. He contributed numerous words and phrases to the lexicon. His linguistic innovations are still part of everyday speech. His ability to craft poetic and evocative language set a standard for literary excellence.

Criticisms and Rivalry

Shakespeare, however, often faced criticism and rivalries during his career. His plays were sometimes adapted or pirated without his consent, leading to occasional disputes. Despite this, his reputation continued to grow. And by the time of his death in 1616, he had become a respected figure in both literary and theatrical circles.

There is some mystery surrounding certain aspects of Shakespeare’s life, including the so-called “Shakespeare authorship question.” This has led to debates and theories about the true identity of the author.

However, the prevailing scholarly consensus supports the idea that William Shakespeare was indeed the mastermind behind the iconic plays and poems.

Holy Trinity Church, Stratford-upon-Avon, where Shakespeare was baptized and is buried.
Source: Wikipedia

The Legacy of William Shakespeare

Shakespeare’s legacy extends far beyond his own time. His works have been translated into every major language. And his plays are performed more often than those of any other playwright. His influence is not only seen in literature, but in theater, film, and other forms of artistic expression as well.

The son of a glove-maker from Stratford-upon-Avon continues to enchant and inspire audiences worldwide.

Famous William Shakespeare Quotes

Below are several famous William Shakespeare quotes from throughout his life. We hope these will be a source of inspiration and courage in your life.

“Have more than you show, speak less than you know.”

“Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say.”

“Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind.”

“Life is short, so love your life, be happy and keep smiling.”

“There is no darkness but ignorance.”

“Time is very slow for those who wait, very fast for those who are scared, very long for those who celebrate; but for those who love, time is eternal.”

“To do a great right, do a little wrong.”

“We know what we are, but know not what we may be.”

“No legacy is so rich as honesty.”

“Knowledge is the wing wherewith we fly to heaven.”

“Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once.”

“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.”

“A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still gently allows you to grow.”

“Words are easy, like the wind; faithful friends are hard to find.”

“I always feel happy, you know why?  Because I don’t expect anything from anyone, expectations always hurt.”

“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”

“The eyes are the window to your soul.”

“The expectation is the root of all heartache.”

“Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”

“Talking isn’t doing.”

“Love me or hate me, both are in my favor. If you love me, I’ll always be in your heart; if you hate me, I’ll always be in your mind.”

Famous William Shakespeare Quotes – Final Words

William Shakespeare (1564-1616) was an English playwright, poet, and actor. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest writers in the English language and world literature. Shakespeare’s impact on the English language is immeasurable. He contributed numerous words and phrases to the lexicon, and his linguistic innovations are still part of everyday speech.

We hope you enjoyed these William Shakespeare quotes. Check out our site for more sources of inspiration.

Joseph Stein

I have always found that words of inspiration help me navigate through difficult times. I built this website to share inspirational quotes from famous people of all walks of life. Hopefully you will derive strength from these words of inspiration as well. Please enjoy.