Yoko Ono quotes

Famous Yoko Ono Quotes

Yoko Ono is an influential artist, musician, and activist known for her avant-garde art. She is also know for her relationship with John Lennon, and her unwavering commitment to peace and social justice. In this post, we list several timeless Yoko Ono quotes you can read for daily inspiration.

Early Life

Yoko Ono was born on February 18, 1933 in Tokyo, Japan and was the eldest of three children. Her early life was marked by a combination of privilege and hardship.

Yoko Ono was raised in a prominent Japanese banking family. While still young, however, Ono experienced the trauma of World War II – including the firebombing of Tokyo. This experience profoundly influenced her later work as an artist and peace activist.

After studying philosophy at Gakushuin University, Yoko Ono moved to New York City in the mid-1950s. There, she began her artistic journey and became a pivotal figure in the avant-garde art scene.

Art and Experimental Film

Her early work included performance art, experimental film, and conceptual art pieces that challenged traditional artistic boundaries.

Her 1964 book, “Grapefruit,” is a classic example of her conceptual art. This wonderful book is filled with a series of instructions and meditations that invite the reader to engage with the art.

Yoko Ono and John Lennon

In 1966, Yoko Ono met John Lennon. They would prove to be one of the most iconic and controversial unions in the history of music and pop culture.

Yoko Ono quotes
Yoko Ono and John Lennon in Amsterdam (1969).
Source: Wikipedia

Their their love for each other and their shared passion for art and activism, garnered tremendous media attention. It was during this period that Yoko Ono collaborated with Lennon on several avant-garde musical and visual art projects, such as “Bed-In for Peace” in 1969.

One of their most celebrated joint endeavors was the “Imagine” album, released in 1971. The title track, “Imagine,” remains an enduring anthem for peace. And it’s widely regarded as one of the greatest songs of all time. Yoko Ono’s influence on Lennon’s work is evident in the album’s experimental and emotionally resonant songs.

Advocate for Peace and Human Rights

Yoko Ono’s art and activism continued to evolve throughout the years. She remained an outspoken advocate for peace, human rights, and feminism. Her art often explored themes of gender, identity, and the human experience. In 2008, she curated the “Yoko Ono: Imagined Peace” exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City, further solidifying her status as a respected artist and curator.

In the 21st century, Yoko Ono continued to be an influential voice for peace and justice. She organized events and exhibitions aimed at promoting global harmony and understanding, using art as a medium to connect with people. Her “Imagine Peace Tower” in Iceland, unveiled in 2007, is a stunning installation. It emits a powerful beam of light into the sky, inscribed with messages of peace in multiple languages.

In addition to her artistic and activist endeavors, Yoko Ono is also active musically. She has released a series of solo albums and collaborated with a variety of musicians across different genres. Her work spans from experimental and avant-garde compositions to more conventional rock and pop music.

Yoko Ono quotes
“Skylanding” by Yoko Ono (2016) in Jackson Park, Chicago.
Source: Wikipedia

The Legacy of Yoko One

Yoko Ono is a visionary artist, musician, and activist who has made significant contributions to the worlds of art and music. Her commitment to peace, social justice, and the power of art as a force for change is enduring. She continues to inspire generations of artists, activists, and thinkers globally.

Famous Yoko Ono Quotes

Below are several famous Yoko Ono quotes from throughout her career. We hope these will be a source of inspiration and courage in your life.

“Some people are old at 18, and some are young at 90. Time is a concept that humans created.”

“Smile in the mirror. Do that every morning, and you’ll start to see a big difference in your life.”

“We’ve been filled with great treasure for one purpose: to be spilled.”

“In your head, a sunset can go on for days.”

“You change the world by being yourself.”

“The regret of my life is that I have not said “I love you” often enough.”

“A dream you dream alone may be a dream, but a dream two people dream together is a reality.”

“You may think I’m small, but I have a universe inside my head.”

“All my life, I have been in love with the sky. Even when everything was falling apart around me, the sky was always there for me.”

“What we do really affects the world. Most of us think we can’t do anything, but it really isn’t true.”

“What is beauty? It’s what you love.”

“Art is a way of survival.”

“Every drop in the ocean counts.”

“Tape the sound of the moon fading at dawn. Give it to your mother to listen to when she’s in sorrow.”

“Spring passes and one remembers one’s innocence. Summer passes and one remembers one’s exuberance. Autumn passes and one remembers one’s reverence. Winter passes and one remembers one’s perseverance.”

“Don’t ever give up on life. Life can be so beautiful, especially after you’ve spent a lot of time with it.”

Yoko Ono Quotes – Final Words

Yoko Ono is a highly influential artist, musician, and activist known for her avant-garde art. Her legacy is one of artistic innovation, profound love, and an dedication to making the world a better and more harmonious place. Ono is symbol of the boundless possibilities of creative expression and advocacy.

We hope you enjoyed these Yoko Ono quotes. Check out our site for more sources of inspiration.

Joseph Stein

I have always found that words of inspiration help me navigate through difficult times. I built this website to share inspirational quotes from famous people of all walks of life. Hopefully you will derive strength from these words of inspiration as well. Please enjoy.